Tinderbox v5.9.0 MacOSX 個人內容管理軟體 英文破解版
個人內容管理的助手。它存儲 你的筆記,想法,和計劃。它可以幫助您組織和理解它們。
而爾博斯幫助您通過網路分享觀點 雜誌和網路日誌。
Tinderbox is a personal content management assistant. It stores
your notes, ideas, and plans. It can help you organize and
understand them. And Tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web
journals and web logs.
Tinderbox's agents automatically scan your notes, looking for
patterns and building relationships. Agents help discover
relationships and help make sure important things don't get lost.
Agents are easy to make and easy to modify. They're flexible and
Tinderbox can even gather and update changing information and
breaking news from the internet.
When it's time to share your notes, Tinderbox can assemble
multiple notes into one page. Updates are a breeze -- even if you
update several times a day. Private notes, timestamps, permanent
links, archives: everything you want, just the way you want it.